
Archive for the ‘General’ Category

TotalFinder – the missing file manager for mac os x

August 28th, 2012 No comments

Its been around 5 years i am using mac os x. I really love the most features of mac os x, except finder (the default file manager), it’s still missing lots of important functionality like cut, duel panel, folder on top etc etc.

So to fix these missing features problem i was looking for a good solution and few months ago found a very good solution for it, called “TotalFinder – brings tabs to your native Finder and more!“. I really loved it.

The features i liked most:

1. Cut & paste : You will able to use Cut and paste feature, even with keyboard shortcut.

2. Dual mode: If you are a old “total commander” fan, then you know what it means. You will able to use finders parallel. It really helps when you are moving files from one folder to another.

3. Tabbed Browsing: You browse all your folders in a single window.

4. Folders on Top: Your finder stay on top of the other window.

There are more features, but i really love these features.

Check their site for more details TotalFinder

Categories: General Tags:

WordPress with full bangla language support

November 8th, 2008 26 comments

Day by day more blog are coming. It’s really great news for everyone. As lot’s of bengali are asking me about WordPress bangla language file. here it is 🙂 .

In this post i wrote a little “howto” to translate or use WordPress in bangla.

First of all you need to checkout latest language pack form meghdut site.

Open your terminal and give the under given command (if you already installed subversion otherwise search google how to install subversion)

svn co .

This command will checkout latest language pack from subversion repository. or you can open in your browser and right click on file and select “save link as”.

Now you need to upload these files to your WordPress installed directory.

First make a folder called languages in wp-includes/ then upload these files to that language files.

Or if you are maintaining you WordPress (that i always suggest) then enter to that language folder then execute this command

svn co .

it will download latest langugage pack from subversion repository. more over if the repository file updated just run “svn up” on languages folder, it will get latest update from repository.

Now you need to configure your WordPress to use this new language files. so edit your wp-config.php file that you will get in the root folder of your WordPress directory.

replace define (‘WPLANG’, ”); with define (‘WPLANG’, ‘bn_BD’);

save it , done 🙂

open your blog in any browser and see the magic 🙂

**all the string will not comes with bangla, you will need to edit some values from your admin panel also, like the titles of widgets.

If you have time please visit this page and help them to translate WordPress 🙂

For writing bangla, you will need the bangla writing plugin that you will get here.

**i wrote this tutorial in short time, so may have some mistake, please inform me in comments.

updated to 2.3.1

December 6th, 2007 No comments

after getting some problem with wordpress 2.0.1 (even someone got sucess to hack , and made a post), few days ago i updated my wordpress blog to the latest 2.3.1 . everything goes fine (using subversion).

but wordpress recently changed there database schema , so you may see some error message related to database table missing. please ignore it, i will fix this problems next weekend. 🙂

Categories: General Tags:

Hi visitor

August 20th, 2007 No comments

Thanks for visiting my blog. This is not a technical post (most of my previous post are technical 😛 ).
Today i am going to share the history of this blog. I started blogging about 2 years ago with After passing some time i moved my entire blog to Then i tried lot’s of other host like, 100webs etc . But every where there is some limit ion. So i move my blog to this paid hosting about 3 months ago.

From the very beginning i tried to share my knowledge with you. To share the knowledge with more and more people, i always try to some more people in. So if you think my blog is really helped you, please don’t forget to tell your friend about my blog.

To get more people in, i added digg support on my everypost (past and future). So if you really like any my post, please give a digg (it’s so simple, just click on the digg icon then follow there instruction). Though it will waste your little time, belive me, it will help lots of other people to get this post :).

If you have any feedback, please write it on comment or send a mail to smibrahim[at]


Categories: announce, General Tags:

Do you have a great project??

July 13th, 2007 2 comments

If you have a very good project & need help to host, please contact with me. May be I can help you to host it.
What you have to do is only give me little credit for this help.

My contact email: smibrahim[at]

Don’t forget to write details of your project.

Categories: General Tags:


September 25th, 2006 No comments

“The GTK-Qt Theme Engine (also known as gtk-qt-engine) is a GTK 2 theme engine
that calls Qt to do the actual drawing. This makes your GTK 2 applications
look almost like real Qt applications and gives you a more unified desktop

Please note that this package is targeted at KDE users and therefore provides
a way to configure it from within KControl.”

Personaly i am using this package. And it’s works cool

Categories: Debian, Debian GNU/Linux, General, gnome, KDE, Linux, unix Tags:

passing too busy time

September 23rd, 2006 No comments

i am really too much busy with my study. 🙁 so cann’t post.

Categories: General Tags:

unix study blog

September 8th, 2006 No comments

Today i started new blog called unixstudy with some of my friends. All of you are invited to see our unixstudy

Categories: General, Linux, My Works, unix Tags:

Please pray for me to God

March 16th, 2006 No comments

Please everybody pray to God for me. I am in great trouble. Right now i can’t tell you details. Please pray to GOD for me 🙁 .

Categories: General Tags:


March 1st, 2006 No comments
Categories: General Tags:
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