
Archive for the ‘My Computer’ Category

Gnome 2.14

April 9th, 2006 No comments

Gnome 2.14 is out 🙂 i am using 30% of this relese with debian sid 🙂

Categories: Debian, Debian GNU/Linux, gnome, My Computer Tags:

Wow now i am on SID

March 3rd, 2006 No comments

At last it finished, I am now on SID with kernel 2.6.15-1-686-smp 🙂

Here i got Gnome 2.12 , let’s check how is this 🙂

tanha:/# uname -a Linux tanha 2.6.8-2-686-smp #1 SMP Tue Aug 16 12:08:30 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux
Categories: Debian, Debian GNU/Linux, Linux, My Computer Tags:

Started journey to sid

March 1st, 2006 No comments

30 minutes ago started journey to Debian Sarege to Sid 🙂

Let’s see, how much time it will take, I need to download 600 MB with 6 KB bandwidth. 🙁

Categories: Debian, Debian GNU/Linux, Linux, My Computer Tags:

I just shifted my box to KDE

March 1st, 2006 No comments


Categories: KDE, Linux, My Computer Tags:

Passed two weeks with debian

February 15th, 2006 No comments

Last two weeks i am totally on debian, And very much happy. I never go back to XP. Great.My desktop (Gnome)

Categories: My Computer Tags:
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