
Archive for the ‘Personal’ Category

welcome to

May 24th, 2007 1 comment

Hi everybody, i am lavlu from bangladesh. Basically i am a linux fan. Though right now working as Web Application Developer in somewherein….

Yesterday i took this domain for my blog. Please don’t forget to come back. You will get information about me, my works, linux & many more things.

The design is not fixed yet, if you have any opinion, please write in comment.

Categories: My Works, Personal Tags:

my statistics on acm

October 10th, 2006 No comments
Categories: My Works, Personal, Programming Tags:

I lost my Mom

July 21st, 2006 1 comment

last 11th july at 5:15PM i lost my mom.
Please everybody pray for my mom.

Categories: Personal Tags:
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