Got 10 Ubuntu CD

November 29th, 2006 No comments

Today i got 10 Ubuntu CDs. Though i applied for these cd’s 3 month ago :(.


1> 8 i386 CDs

2> 1 64bit addition

3> 1 Mac Addition

Bad is, these are ubuntu dapper 🙁

Categories: My Computer, ubuntu Tags:

Unijoy in linux

October 17th, 2006 7 comments

some day ago i make a Howto for setting unijoy in linux (debian). here is the compressed file download
and test if it’s working. Any problem, write comments.

Categories: My Works Tags:

my statistics on acm

October 10th, 2006 No comments
Categories: My Works, Personal, Programming Tags:

Fun: Microsofts Genuine Advantage Support

September 29th, 2006 2 comments


A lot of managers are afraid to use Open Source Software, because it doesn’t come with any support. Of course that isn’t true. It is a classical piece of FUD. And then again, how much is support worth?

MS: Microsoft Support. Good morning, sir. Can I help you.
IC: I have a problem. My computer has halted with a message.
MS: What’s the message, sir.
IC: ReadStringFromInf: UpdSpGetLineText failed: 0xe0000102; Microsoft Windows is Not Present
MS: May I have your product key, sir.
IC: [gives completely valid product key]
MS: I’m sorry, sir. That is not a valid product key.
IC: But I bought it at Amazon! And it was shipped with Federal Express.
MS: I’m sorry, sir. It is a counterfeit copy.
IC: I don’t understand..
MS: I’m sorry, sir.
IC: Is there anything you can do for me?
MS: You could contact Amazon, sir. Or..
IC: Or what?
MS: You could send us the CD’s, sir. We will verify authenticity for you.
IC: That would be great! When will I have them back?
MS: We just verify authenticity, sir. We won’t return them.
IC: Even if it is a genuine copy?
MS: Even if it a genuine copy, sir.
IC: Oh..
MS: I’m sorry, sir. Have a nice day. [click]

MS: Microsoft Support. Good morning, sir. Can I help you.
IC: Windows displays some strange message on my screen.
MS: What’s the message, sir.
IC: ReadStringFromInf: UpdSpGetLineText failed: 0xe0000102; Microsoft Windows is Not Present
MS: May I have your product key, sir.
IC: [gives completely valid product key]
MS: Ok, sir. Can you please reboot your PC?
IC: Will that solve the problem?
MS: Please reboot your PC, sir.
IC: Ok, ok, wait a minute.
MS: Please call us again if you eXPerience any more problems. Have a nice day, sir. [click]

MS: Microsoft Support. Good morning, sir. Can I help you.
IC: Hi, it’s me again. I still got the same error.
MS: What’s the error, sir.
IC: ReadStringFromInf: UpdSpGetLineText failed: 0xe0000102; Microsoft Windows is Not Present
MS: May I have your product key, sir.
IC: [gives completely valid product key]
MS: I’m afraid you’ll have to reinstall Windows, sir.
IC: Really? That takes forever. Is there any other way?
MS: No, sir. I’m afraid not. Have a nice day. [click]

MS: Microsoft Support. Good morning, sir. Can I help you.
IC: I reinstalled Windows and I still got the same message box!!
MS: What does the box say, sir.
IC: ReadStringFromInf: UpdSpGetLineText failed: 0xe0000102; Microsoft Windows is Not Present
MS: May I have your product key, sir.
IC: [gives completely valid product key]
MS: That will be fixed in the next release, sir.
IC: The next release? When will that be?
MS: Vista will be released January 2007, sir.
IC: Can I get an update?
MS: No sir, not for a OEM version.
IC: And how much will it cost me to get this new release?
MS: $199 for Windows Vista Home Basic, sir. Do you want to pay with Visa, Mastercard, Diners, etc.
IC: I can order right now?
MS: No sir, we have to charge you $350 for this call.
IC: I don’t get any free support?
MS: No sir, not after sixty days and only if it concerns a bug in our software.
IC: This isn’t a bug?
MS: No sir, it’s a critical security update issue.
IC: [murmurs a credit card number]
MS: Thank you sir, for calling Microsoft support. Have a nice day! [click]
Categories: Fun Tags:

pushed bnix

September 28th, 2006 No comments

I am really too much busy with my study now. So i pushed my bnix project. I hope i will start this project with in next 3 weeks 🙂 .

Categories: BNix Tags:

post from gnome-blog

September 28th, 2006 1 comment

i am writing this post from gnome-blog. Cool tool. it’s support blogger, wordpress & livejournel.

Categories: gnome, Linux Tags:


September 25th, 2006 No comments

“The GTK-Qt Theme Engine (also known as gtk-qt-engine) is a GTK 2 theme engine
that calls Qt to do the actual drawing. This makes your GTK 2 applications
look almost like real Qt applications and gives you a more unified desktop

Please note that this package is targeted at KDE users and therefore provides
a way to configure it from within KControl.”

Personaly i am using this package. And it’s works cool

Categories: Debian, Debian GNU/Linux, General, gnome, KDE, Linux, unix Tags:

passing too busy time

September 23rd, 2006 No comments

i am really too much busy with my study. 🙁 so cann’t post.

Categories: General Tags:

emerge time optimization (Gentoo GNU/Linux)

September 17th, 2006 No comments

emerge take huge download and also take huge time to compile packages. So if u want to save time, u can use a technique, that i use.

First login su in a terminal and start emerge normaly. “emerge -avD package”
after starting there open another terminal and log in as su. then “emerge -avDf package”

Categories: gentoo, Linux Tags:

unix study blog

September 8th, 2006 No comments

Today i started new blog called unixstudy with some of my friends. All of you are invited to see our unixstudy

Categories: General, Linux, My Works, unix Tags:
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