
Archive for July, 2007

my debian unoffical repository

July 17th, 2007 3 comments

Few minutes ago i make a unoffical repository of deb packages for debian (though it’s empty).
you have to add this line to your /etc/apt/sources.list
deb binary/

if you want to release any deb file unofficaly for debian and need help to host it, send me the .deb file and don’t forget to add signature to your package.

** for testing i added the d4x on my repository, i will remove it.

please test my repository and give your feedback here.

Categories: Debian, Debian GNU/Linux, My Works Tags:

No to windows

July 16th, 2007 3 comments

no to windows

At last from yeasterday i avoid windows 100% .

Previously my home pc was runing on linux but my developemnt laptop was runing on windows & linux (mostly windows).

But from yeasterday i removed windows from my lapptop.

So back to linux 😀 .

Here is the list that i am using now:

My OS: Debian GNU/Linux (etch)
php Editor: Zend Development Environment(linux )
Email Client: Evolution
CD/DVD burning software: GnomeBaker
Mp3/audio player: Rythm Box, totem, amarok
DVD/Video: totem/xine
Browser: Iceweasel (firefox)
Image editor: gimp, inkspace
Project Time tracker: gnoTime
Downloader: d4x

how to enable mod_rewrite in apache2.2 (debian/ubuntu)

July 15th, 2007 323 comments

Here i am going to describe how to enable mod_rewrite in apache2.2 -specaily for debian.

In default installion of apache2.2 on debian never enable mod_rewrite default. So you may need to enable .

First install the apache2.2 with this command :
debian user please use “su” before start this process
ubuntu user please use “sudo su” before start this process

apt-get install apache2 (it will install apache 2.2)

on current debian system you can enable mod_rewrite with simple command

a2enmod rewrite

old style, you can skip this portion

now use locate to find if the is availble on your server


it will found in “/usr/lib/apache2/modules”

new apache follow some folders to enable and disable mods.
so now do this:

cd /etc/apache2/mods-enabled
touch rewrite.load
gedit rewrite.load (you may use any editor to edit this file)

now paste this following line

LoadModule rewrite_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/

end of old style

Then edit /etc/apache2/sites-available/default or /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default (check which one available on your system)

Find the following

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
allow from all

and change it to

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride all
Order allow,deny
allow from all

and finally restart Apache

/etc/init.d/apache2 restart
service apache2 restart

OK, you done 😀

don’t forget to comment, if it works or not.


if you like my post, please tweet it, so other also can see this post.

Do you have a great project??

July 13th, 2007 2 comments

If you have a very good project & need help to host, please contact with me. May be I can help you to host it.
What you have to do is only give me little credit for this help.

My contact email: smibrahim[at]

Don’t forget to write details of your project.

Categories: General Tags:

Train journey from Dhaka to chittagong

July 11th, 2007 3 comments

on train me 1

Yesterday I made a journey from Dhaka to Chittagong (my home). On the train I used my laptop and get connected online by using edge connection. I really enjoyed the time. Here is some pictures that is taken by my brother farid mazumder .

You can get more details (live) here

Categories: Personal Tags:
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